London: Guards, Gates and Gags

There is a middle Eastern presence in London and it seems our hotel was a favorite with visitors from there.  Most of the guests were more ‘western’ dressed than these two.

Willow is contemplating making a phone call or she thought this was Dr. Who’s Tardis.

Our hotel was in a lovely area with tons of souvenir/gift shops (ADMIT IT…. You love them, too!)  The Queen is a very popular item!

We walked all the way from Marble Arch down Park Lane, next to Hyde Park, to Buckingham Palace.  What a beautiful part of London this is.  Very well-to-do!  I want angels over MY front door!

We walked through Green Park.  It was green!  And tons of daffodils.  Such beauty right in the heart of London. 

April 1 marked the beginning of the every-day-is-changing-of-the-guards-day in London and of course, we missed it.  We saw the changed guards!  But it was still fun to see Buckingham Palace.

The gates and sculptures around the palace were fabulous.  The gilded statue is part of the Queen Victoria Memorial, and is a statue of Victory, sitting atop the pinnacle with a seated figure on either side, representing Courage and Constancy.  The building itself is not all that. The guard seems like he might be all of twenty years old.  

I thought the fashionable lady in the lawn chair was the Queen.  Kidding...  Meanwhile, Willow was harassing pigeons.  Her hair cracked me up!

We went over to Covent Garden and had a ball!   We browsed, watched a street performer do ‘magic,’ had lunch.  A great place to go.  Of course I found kitties.  Some of the shirts are a tad rude but hey… we’re all adults here.   The umbrellas that looked like fashionistas was clever!  


  1. My brother and I thought tormenting the pigeons in the parks in London was the best part of the trip when we were kids. I guess I still think tormenting birds is fun since I was recently tormenting gulls on the beach in SC!

  2. "May I suggest the sausage" t-shirt was great. What is that, a David Beckham pillowcase?


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