Thursday, March 24, 2016

Join Sara, Holly, Sean, Willow and Curt in London and Paris!

I remember it well.... Bistro Niko with the family, April of 2015 and Sean says, “We need to take a trip together.”  And so it began.  After a few back and forths about number of cities, days, and so on, it was decided that we would visit London and Paris.  Perfect!  We arrived in London the morning of March 31, 2016.  Here’s the story…illustrated!

Click a link on the right ---> to view a page, then just scroll to view the witty narrative and lovely photos of our trip. Enjoy!

Oh, and at the bottom of each page you can leave a comment.

For those not in the know, the annotated version is here:


  1. Hey look kids, there's Big Ben, and there's Parliament... again. :))

  2. And they're off! Let the adventure begin!

  3. Fun times ahead!!!

    NC Jill

  4. Happy April Fool's Day, Curtie. 'Hope you all are enjoying every moment!

  5. Hope your flight was good - and that everyone's enjoying all there is to see and do!

  6. Where are the pictures??

  7. I think they are too busy having fun to post pics. LOL!

  8. I love your humor Curt and can't wait to see the pictures. Enjoy! Carol


Just click the dropdown and select 'Anonymous' but I'd love to see your name in the comment!